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Orange Juice Selloff Continues 7 years ago

Read MoreFox Business: Orange Juice Selloff Continues
by WeatherBELL Press
2017 Hurricane Forecast 7 years ago

Read MoreMay 12, 2017 This is a challenging forecast. The analogs suggest low activity overall but high impact in the U.S. There are contradictions between the Euro forecast and the analogs. This is a very difficult year to forecast, far more than last year. I think the major hurricane drought is going to end this year. The concern, though, is a bit different with increased intensity near our coasts. When I first looked at the ECMWF MSLP forecast for the heart of the hurricane season, this is opposite of what the means have looked like over the past 11 years. The SST...
by WeatherBELL Press

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by WeatherBELL Press

Read MoreHow Tuesday's election shows weather forecasting is easier than political forecasting
by WeatherBELL Press

Read MoreWinter Outlook Debate: Forecasters Weight Just How Severe DC's Winter Could Be
by WeatherBELL Press